Managing operational technology security in a changing business environment

Managing operational technology security in a changing business environment

Organizations are seeking to transform their businesses through digitalization, improving work flows and processes, adapting organization culture and changing supply chain relationships.

Although Digitalization can deliver significant value for organizations, it also increases the threat surface which, if not effectively managed, can create significant cyber security risks for industrial environments. In this article, Donal explores the changing business landscape and countermeasures to reduce cyber risk.

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Industrial Cyber Security – Securing Operational Technology 101

Industrial Cyber Security – Securing Operational Technology 101

In the modern connected enterprise where your industrial systems are networked to your business systems (which they almost certainly are) and your business systems are Internet facing (again very likely) then your business systems should be regarded as a potential source of threat to the integrity, safety and security of your control systems. That threat should be properly managed.

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How To Remove Silos in Safety Programmes

How To Remove Silos in Safety Programmes

Most diseases, injuries and other health conditions experienced by the workforce involve a number of factors or causes that the siloed approach fails to recognise, or treat. This is especially true as the workforce ages. Learn how to remove the siloed approach and lead your organisation to a healthier and brighter future.

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How-To: Create Passwords that are Complex & Easy-to-Remember

How-To: Create Passwords that are Complex & Easy-to-Remember

It can be daunting to come up with and remember multiple passwords to meet the demands of complex password filters of the several e-businesses and social sites that we use everyday. But now using an easy to remember method you too can create complex passwords with the best security professionals. Learn from Jeff Melrose in our second article in our SecureIT series. 

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SecureIT - Basic Cyber Defense

SecureIT - Basic Cyber Defense

The first article in a new security series: 'SecureIT.'  In this article, Jeff Melrose explains the various threats, key points, and simple tips in mitigating up to 85% of cyber intrusions. Learn about why it is necessary for all PC and mobile users to perform regular security administration functions, at the very least. 

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GICSP: Reducing Risk and Improving Security

GICSP: Reducing Risk and Improving Security

When speaking across divisions and cultures, key points can be misunderstood or lost in translation. Specifically in the world of IT security and industrial automation, miscommunication can lead to disastrous outcomes. GICSP is the tool developed by SANS and GIAC to lessen this risk, improving communication and security in the world of cyber-security. 

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Quick Tips on Information Protection and Security

Quick Tips on Information Protection and Security

The vast majority of us will be targeted for cyber-crime at some point in our professional life, especially those who are involved in the development or maintenance in critical infrastructure. What follows is a short overview of the common tactics that are used in stealing data , as well as simple and effective tips to protect yourself.

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